Soft Breeze Flower Bouquet
Breathe in the fresh, soothing beauty of our Soft Breeze Flower Bouquet. This elegant arrangement features:
- 5 Stems of White Peonies: With their full, rounded blooms and delicate fragrance, these peonies symbolize purity, grace, and new beginnings, forming a soft and luxurious focal point.
- 11 Stems of Pink Roses: A perfect blend of romance and tenderness, these pink roses express admiration, sweetness, and appreciation, adding warmth and depth to the bouquet.
- 10 Stems of White Carnations: These timeless blooms represent love and distinction, their ruffled petals offering a touch of texture and balance to the arrangement.
- A Bunch of Lemon Leaves (Salal): Vibrant and lush, these rich green leaves provide a fresh backdrop, enhancing the bouquet's natural beauty and adding an energizing contrast.
Arrangement Details:
The Soft Breeze Flower Bouquet is a harmonious blend of delicate whites and soft pinks, creating a serene yet striking visual appeal. Expertly arranged and finished with elegant wrapping, this bouquet embodies the tranquility of a gentle breeze.
Perfect for anniversaries, celebrations, or any occasion where you want to convey heartfelt emotions and bring a sense of peace and beauty to the moment.
Note: If a particular flower, packaging wrap or box is not in stock, a close substitute of similar value, shape and color will be used instead!