Pure Elegance Bouquet
Experience the beauty of simplicity with our Pure Elegance Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement features:
10 Stems of White French Roses: These luxurious blooms symbolize purity and love, creating a stunning focal point that exudes elegance and sophistication.
7 Stems of Spray Roses: Adding charm and depth, these delicate roses introduce a gentle mix of color, perfect for enhancing the bouquet's overall beauty.
Greens - Lemon Leaves: Fresh and vibrant, these leaves provide a lively backdrop, infusing the arrangement with brightness and energy.
Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any special moment, the Timeless Grace Bouquet is a breathtaking expression of elegance that will leave a lasting impression!
Note: If a particular flower, packaging wrap or box is not in stock, a close substitute of similar value, shape and color will be used instead!