Pink Horizon Flower Bouquet
Bask in the radiant beauty of our Pink Horizon Flower Bouquet, an arrangement that captures the soft glow of a serene sunset.
- 10 Stems of Pink Hydrangeas: Lush and captivating, these voluminous blooms symbolize heartfelt emotions, grace, and abundance. Their delicate pink hues evoke the warmth and tranquility of a horizon bathed in gentle light.
Arrangement Details:
Designed to highlight the hydrangeas' natural beauty, this bouquet is wrapped in elegant pastel-toned paper and finished with a silky ribbon for a polished and refined touch.
Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or as a thoughtful gift, the Pink Horizon Flower Bouquet brings a sense of charm and elegance to any occasion.
Note: If a particular flower, packaging wrap or box is not in stock, a close substitute of similar value, shape and color will be used instead!