Paradise Bliss Bouquet
Elevate any occasion with our Paradise Bliss Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement features:
11 Stems of Light Pink Roses: Symbolizing admiration and grace, these soft blooms add a romantic touch.
3 Stems of Light Pink Peonies: With their lush petals, they exude elegance and charm.
4 Stems of Light Lavender Hydrangeas: Offering a delicate pop of color, they enhance the bouquet’s sophistication.
6 Stems of Peach Carnations: Representing warmth and affection, these lovely blooms add a cheerful note.
3 Stems of White Lisianthuses: Their refined, open blooms contribute an air of purity and elegance.
5 Green Lemon Leaves: Infusing a refreshing touch, these vibrant leaves provide a beautiful backdrop.
This bouquet is perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any celebration of love and beauty, harmonizing colors and textures to create a truly elegant gift!
Note: If a particular flower, packaging wrap or box is not in stock, a close substitute of similar value, shape and color will be used instead!