Sweet Attention Flower Bouquet
Indulge in the sweetness and charm of our Sweet Attention Flower Bouquet. This delightful arrangement features:
- 18 Stems of Pink Carnations: Soft and tender, these pink carnations symbolize love, gratitude, and a gentle spirit, adding warmth and softness to the bouquet.
- 19 Stems of White Carnations: Timeless and elegant, these white carnations represent purity, strength, and eternal love, balancing the bouquet with their crisp beauty.
Arrangement Details:
This bouquet combines the perfect blend of soft pinks and whites, creating a harmonious and enchanting display. The carnations are artfully arranged and finished with a delicate ribbon, capturing the essence of sweetness and elegance.
Ideal for celebrations, thank-you gestures, or to bring a sense of joy and serenity to any special moment.
Note: If a particular flower, packaging wrap or box is not in stock, a close substitute of similar value, shape and color will be used instead!